Let's get a few of the questions out of the way. What is Etsy? It's an online marketplace for handmade goods. What is the SAFEteam? SAFE stands for Soap Artisan Friends of Etsy. We are a group of sellers on Etsy that sell handmade bath & body products. When is the sale? The sale runs from Friday, June 19th through Sunday, June 21st. What is offered for sale? Check the SAFEteam blog for a list of sellers & their offers. You can also find a list on the SAFEteam Etsy page.
Concord Soap's SALE! Our offer for the big sale is 15% off every item in our shop, www.ConcordSoap.etsy.com + FREE SHIPPING on all orders over $30. As usual, every order will also contain a free sample of our body butter. Place your order, pay & a refund will be sent shortly or you could choose to not pay until a new invoice is sent.